
Half of a line on pregancy test?

So I am officially 42 days into my cycle...and no pd. I've taken a few tests throughout last week and all BFNs - except for yesterday. I had taken a test in the morning, and it was a BFN...made the mistake of looking at it a few hours later and there was an almost invisible line (so light I couldn't tell the color...probably an evap line). Hubby got excited and told me to take another one. The second one definitely had something - but it was only strong at the bottom of the line and practically invisible at the top. It was definitely pink and definitely showed up within the first 2-3 minutes. So yay, glory hallelujah, I thought I was pregnant. Hubby wanted another test this morning to be sure.

This morning, no line. Not even a hint of a line. Same brand (FRER). I feel miserable. I know none of you are walking pregnancy tests (good thing too considering what we do to them), but I was wondering if any of you have had this happen to you before and it still be positive?

Half of a line on pregancy test?
I did have something similar happen with my first! I never even considered that I was pregnant but I knew it had been way to long since my last period, I tested for two weeks and I kept getting odd readings and it turned out that I had very low pregnancy hormone levels. You should try to see a doctor asap, if you can, just in case you are... he/she can help raise the levels and prevent a miscarriage. Prayin for ya.. don't give up hope!
Reply:it's better to consult doctor and make blood test.. it's more accurate.. i think you are pregnant..

so, good luck!!!
Reply:Why not go to the doc and have a blood pregnancy test done? They're more accurate.
Reply:either get a digital test or go docs
Reply:i just found out i was pregnant last week.. i used like 6 tests.. my first two were clearblue amd they did the same thing.. came up w/ half a positive about 20 min after testing... Took more tests like first response and clearblue digitl and all were pregnant w/ no question.. so it could be positive... evaporation lines are very confusing... if it has no color AT ALL and just looks like a shadow then it a evaporation line.. but if it has the slightest of a color to it its positive... my first one had jus a tad of color to them.. but as i kept testing the line came up quicker and more color... use the digital kind.. they will give you a answer with no questions at all.. I used them 15 dpo at night and it came up pregnant so they are reliable!!


