
Is it really necessary, these days, to act aggressively and eff & blind during ordinary conversation?

A simple mistake on our roads can earn you a smack in the gob. Normal? Say good morning to some folk and they look at you as if you are puddled. Normal? Traffic wardens and security guards acting like the SAS. Normal? Pregnant girls showing off their bare bump in public. Normal? Kick an old women to death for her pension. Normal? Getting drunk and vomiting in the street. Normal? Killing young black kids. Normal? Carrying knives and guns in the street. Normal? Let's kick a phone box to bits! Let's do some happy slappy! Let's batter children, let's batter wives and disrespect everybody elses property and belongings. Let's live in another country and blow a bus or two to bits. Land of hope and glory is now classified as normal. After all, this democratically elected government has told you so.

Is it really necessary, these days, to act aggressively and eff %26amp; blind during ordinary conversation?
I feel your pain brother. I like to go to the country where there is no people and bond with nature ,catch a fish or two, it balances my mind . It sheilds my from all that stuff like a rain coat to rain. good luck
Reply:You're English and ashamed then i take it? ditto!
Reply:This is not really a question. This is a rant. A tirade. I completely agree with everything you say here, but there is no point in posing it as a question, when that question has already been answered, both in your mind, and in the world around you. Just strive to not join the "speck mentality" or the masses.

That which is understood need not be discussed.
Reply:You are complaining about human nature! It is NORMAL to want your 15 minutes of fame, it is also normal to try and extend that as long as possible. In order to be noticed you have to do something extra. The things you describe are people doing exactly that. They have no role models, or chose to ignore them, so they do the easy thing, violence.

