
Are you there Yahoo??

Since I can't seem to post this in the Forum, read this and then violate me.

It is apparent that whomever decides the disposition of these answers is superciliously basking in the glory of their ignominious power. I had seven violation notices when I opened my email this morning, most of them "Not a question or an answer". My answers are equal to the questions asked.

When you consider the number of blatantly stupid, sexually explicit, and profane questions on Y!A, it boggles the mind how these decisions are drawn. The assumption is that it's not so much a case of the Yahoo gudelines as it is personal likes or dislikes on the part of your literary facists.

Yahoo Answer's guidelines, while honorable in theory, are too ambiguous, too selectively applied, and ultimately, a miserable failure.

If you were going to target adolescents with Y!A, why didn't you just say so up front since you're letting their intellectual equivalents run this site?

Are you there Yahoo??

Reply:Spud55, I've checked these violations and they all seem to be valid. If by "equal to the questions asked", you mean you're having trouble finding good questions that interest you, going to a favorite category or using the advanced search may help. And if you find anything that violates our community guidelines, please let us know by reporting it as abuse. The community guidelines are what we use to determine whether a post should be removed, but sometimes abusive posts slip through and your reports help us to identify them.
Reply:The problem arises when you allow the members at large to be the policing squad.

Most of the abuse reports are bogus and without merit.

I started the year with a violation report to an answer i had given 5 months ago. adding to it, I had won with the Best Answer. I am shocked that Y!A cannot see that it is merely a vengenace report, but since thesystem is automatic, no staff member ever sees the complaint before it go through.

So much for the "new" systems in place to cut down on this

