Last night I didn't feel very well, fever and chills so right after dinner I grabbed the afghan and pillow and I laid on the couch abut 7:30 in front of the TV with the volume turned way down and the lights out. About 1:30 AM I woke up and noticed the office light still so I went to to go shut it off and there he was, in all his glory sitting in his bathrobe, not a stitch of clothing on, naked webcamming with God knows who, snoring to beat the band and the computer still on, webcam still on. You get the picture.
Well, I hate that fricking sort of thing with a passion. So I went to the kitchen, opened up a cabinet, got out the food coloring, went back to the office, and quietly dripped a little red here, and little blue there, some yellow, and so on. He didn't wake up but he scratched a bit, then I went to bed. I got up really early and went to work before he got up this morning. He just called me really mad, and told me his privates look like an Easter Egg. Am I bad?
Did I over react?
I love your sense of humor and as long as it was just his privates I suppose you are not tooo bad.
Reply:Bad but funny, i would just let him know the reason you did what you did.
Reply:Seems like he might have been acting The Fool, so I guess your timing was perfect!
Reply:At least you didn't film it, and post it on You Tube.
Reply:I don't think you overreacted , but you wanted him to know you caught him, it was harmless because it washes off
Reply:That is inspired. It's genius. I'm so impressed.
Did you over react? No. Over-reacting would be getting the scissors from the kitchen, rather than the dye.
Reply:That's funny.
Reply:I think that is an entirely non-distructive and appropriate revenge for "web cheating". I applaud you.
Reply:Ha ha. I hope this is a "today's date" related question.
If it's a real question, I'm shocked. If I found my bf in front of a webcam , even with a winter coat %26amp; galoshes on, I'd cut off his willie. More power to you if all you did was paint it. Still, that's a pretty big betrayal in my book.
Reply:You should have talked to him first. but i guess there isnt a way out of this one ...
Reply:No, I like how you handled it...I wouldn't have handled it any better...
Reply:Hell no you didn't overreact. You handled your hurt, anger in a really smooth and colorful-creative way.
I'd have been upset for sure.
Reply:Damn bunny! easter bunny pulled a funny
Reply:yes you did...... he wasnt doing anything wrong
Reply:no, you're not bad. You are in fact very creative and resolved the issue in a non-violent, and amusing manner.
Just explain to him that he did offended you, screwing around on the internet when he should have been taking care of you.
Reply:I think it's hilarous. Good for you!!
Reply:I think its hilarious. And just in time for April Fools Day.
*EDIT* miss_bra- we must have had a mind meld- same answer at the same time. I hate it when that happens!!!
Reply:No, you didn't over react.
You can paint my eggs anytime.
Reply:When ever you feel the need to ask a question like that the answer is always, YES.
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