I am fed up of allowing a fictional character to take all the glory for the presents I spend a lot of money on.
I would like to tell my children that there is no Santa. So how's this for an idea - on Christmas morning, I arrange a life-sized model of him, lying dead by the tree. So that next year, they won't expect anything from him, because he's dead?
How do I tell them about Santa?
no - that still means he gets the credit for this years presents. wrap one of the little presents in newspaper and put a 'from santa' tag on it. tell your children that santas been having some problems this year so you've had to buy most of their presents for them.
Reply:well, thats a good way to spoil christmas for your kids!
Reply:That's a pretty cruel thing to do !! Forgive me but you also sound a little selfish when you want the glory..is that what Christmas is all about to you ? Most kids just grow out of it...
It was better that you never played along with the lie to begin with!
Reply:My youngest is seven, she has questioned the existence of Santa this year.
I told her that Santa did really exist long ago, his name was St. Nicholas. I then proceeded to tell her the story. After, I said that now days Santa cannot afford to get ALL the children presents, it costs far too much money. I told her that parents go and buy the presents then send them off to Santa just before xmas, then he delivers them. You get the best of both worlds, she knows it is us who buy her things and also she still believes in Santa!
Reply:Okay, I hope you are joking, for that is a really BAD idea if you actually care about your children's psyche. I personally have never hid the fact I need to go shopping. I ask them what they would like for Christmas. My eldest asked me blatantly at one time if Santa was real, and I said it was a beautiful story, and that some kids believe it, but no. You see, I don't lie to my kids if I don't have to. I want them to be able to believe me. Just tell them it's a fun story, but that Christmas still comes, it's just something parents do for their kids because they love them. And if they want to choose to believe, there's no reason to discourage that, for they and you will both know it's just a game at that point. I understand frustrations of the season, but don't do anything mean to them just because you're frustrated.
Reply:glad you were not my parent how cruel, there are better ways than that.
When my kid found out, he was downstairs OPENING 6 of his presents, laughing.
no just tell them that Santa got fired and made you there PERSONAL Santa. that's what my mother did for me, so during the year I'd ask her for the stuff.
i understand what you mean about Santa, i never really believed in Santa because my birthday is the 29th of DEC so i got no gifts on Xmas anyway.
Reply:I do hope and think you are kidding! If not I think a very mean hearted Prat is lurking about in parent's skin...
Charles "That Cheeky Lad"
None the less...A Wicked Happy Christmas to everyone!
Peace and prosperity to all!
Reply:stop spoiling the fairy tale!!....There IS a Santa!!!..I just tell my kids that WE buy their presents, and Santa brings them (if they've been good!)
Reply:How about you buying a giant pair of underwear and pulling them up over your head because you are being a GIANT ***!!! Just because your unhappy doesn't mean you should ruin the idea of Santa for your kids. If you need to have your children give you all the kudos for their Christmas gifts then you have a bigger problem than not getting thanks for holiday gifts. How sad that your self esteem is that low that you would do this to your kids!
Reply:You can`t kill Santa
Reply:are you telling me there is no santa???? get real, hes alive and well and living in the north pole with his little elves and reindeer
Reply:sure fire way to traumatize your kids .
Reply:just tell them truth about st nic that's all...tell them that al thesse gifts are blessing and so on...i never i mean never believed in santa.
Reply:you are such a meenie let the kids find out in their own time
Reply:What and call in the police to investigate the death!! Its a fantasy that inspires children's imagination. It also starts them questioning reality when they suss, which starts them on the long path to adult enlightenment. The loss of Naivete is necessary to protect them in adult life from all the monsters out there.
Reply:thats pretty disgusting and one day your kids will find out that you bought all the gifts under the tree so dont worry so much about your precious money. my parents used to put half the gifts from them and half from santa. but if you want to be a jerk then do your little christmas morning plan.
Reply:Honestly... kids figure it out pretty quickly. My niece is three and the family is actually trying to convince her there really IS a Santa. If you don't try to convince them... they'll figure it out faster then you can buy the gifts.
I swear... every christmas now. I think the little ones put on a show for us. "Oh my gosh! Mommy and Daddy.... I mean... Santa brought us SO MANY GIFTS!"
Reply:oh that is really cruel..... how about when your kids still see him on TV and stuff???
You can't kill santa - let them find out when they are old enough
Reply:oh thats so bad but im guilty of laughing.
Reply:The better question really is, how did you find out?
What went through your mind?
How did you react?
How can you make this event less stressful for your kids?
Reply:If you are not comfortable perpetuating a lie, perhaps you could reframe Santa as the essence of Christmas, the spirit of giving. Or you could say, "Some people believe..."
Avoid using Santa to keep your children in line or as a punishment for bad behavior.
If you want my advice, I would teach children about the real St. Nicholas instead of the magical fairytale comes-down-through-the-chimney Santa.
Reply:Noooooooooo! You can't kill santa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Reply:How about the truth?
If you keep lieing, when will they believe you.
John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Reply:Yep like your style but a flaw would be.....what about the reindeer and the sleigh will you have life size models of them too.
But trust me keep it going for a while, for when its gone youll miss it....make the most of it after all its only money, so why do you need to have the kudos of them knowing you have bought everything.
Reply:That would be extremely cruel of you and possibly scare them for life. Tell them that Santa represents the idea of unselfish giving, that we are to be givers in life and not just takers. Tell them that Christmas is a time of giving and that you give them presents to set an example for them to follow. You do not have to interject religion into it, nor do you have to give it a purely commercial or dogmatic meaning.
Reply:Your sad sick twisted and so selfish, i feel so sorry for your kids!#
But on the other hand that wud be funny as hell!!!!!!!!!
Yup do it kill santa! and as a speical treat cremate him in ur garden and let your kids say a few words
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