
Poetry questions:?

1. What are the sights and sounds of the sea recalled in the poem SEA FEVER?

2. Although the poem, "THE SWANS AT COOLE" rejoices in the beauty of the wild swans, it is profoundly sad poem. Explain.

3. Describe the course of the Brook from the head of the valley in the river.

4. What is the real mesage of Orpheus' song?

5. Was Wardsworth's childhoos happy or strong? Give reasons for your answer.

6. Explain why there is a 'glory' that shines upon the tears of those who mourn the fallen.

7. Briefly expalin lamb's memory of happy frienships nowq make him sad.

8. Why, according to cowper, should health and virtue abound more fully in the country than in town?

9.The poem 'THE LITTLE DANCERS' is a triumph of both poetic skill and sympathetic observation. Discuss.

10. Explain the reference to the context:

Age shall not weary them nor

the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun

and in the morning

We will remember.

dnt 4get to put the rite Q# wid A

Poetry questions:?
2. 'The Wild Swans at Coole' is William Butler Yeats most beautifully crafted poem, about the inherent sadness that comes from the passing of time. It had been 19 years since Yeats had first visited Coole Park, and the Swans were as beautiful and as wondrous as his memories. Yet when this poem was written Yeats had aged 19 years from the time of his memories, and no longer 'trod with a lighter tread'. This poem is Yeats best example of exploring the theme of his own mortality, and this poem conveys a sadness of someone fully aware that the best years of their life are over and that death may be approaching at any minute...

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