I've been corresponding with a lady from Washington State. She has problems, mostly due to an adulterous, alchoholic husband with whom she is seperated.
I received this letter this morning. Will you help?
"What I have been asking God for is for my son......we have been without our home due to water damage....been living with friends, and it has been going on and on....paying a mortgage on a house I can not live in, no insurance....my son is hurting and I need my home...cant afford to rent another place, and too damaged to sell, all our money from years of payments are in that house.....it is getting worse and worse...it is for my son, I love my son....he needs a home...I believe I have been selfless. I don't ask for anything for myself..nothing not even love, just a home for my son....... that is what I pray for, ....I give glory to God for all the blessings I have..the health of my family, my job, my friends....that is what I ask God for...just a home for my son."
A plea on behalf of someone in need of a minor miracle: will you help?
Where in Washington State is she? My whole immediate family is there. We're not a rich family, but we might be able to help. Please contact me.
Reply:No offense, but judging from your other questions (christian-bashing, for the most part), how are people supposed to respond to a question from you like this?
If it's sincere, I would suggest that she contact her local christian church and get the help she needs. Or she could contact her local atheist organization....oh wait... Naw, skip that, stick with the first suggestion.
EDIT: To toxicbutterly...yeah right. Give us all a break, please.
Reply:this bond and letter was written to you since you gave a hope of understanding. You are now trying to pass off your burdren of helping her to others by asking others to step in and solve. You are the one given this task and you should be the one trying to help. Have you offered your home, money, or time to this person?
Reply:Er...What can I do?
Reply:"There was a time when help came in the form of the community gathering together, whether to repair a barn, build a home, etc."
This time has not passed, at least not where I live, and I think she would be better off asking help from the local community than from strangers on the net.
Reply:As for beta fishy's reply, I see nothing where you even come close to christian bashing, but obviously beta is trying to make it appear so.
I will gladly do a money spell for your friend if they will allow me to. But I can not do it without their permission. I do not force my ways upon anyone.
Reply:I don't have money but I can pray and will. There are also some great orgs that will help. Does she have a home church? she should also check with the Red Cross.
Reply:i would like to help but live in another country
Reply:Yes, I will pray for you. Prayer is most magnificent.
Also, consider applying for your friend to Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
Hope this was part of your miracle.
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