There was a story on a radio show out of Chicago (Grover's Morning Glory) about how in Vegas the prostitutes have to get checked for all diseases and there has been a significant drop in AIDS over the past three years as a result. And not to mention the prostitutes have to pay taxes on their wages.
So, should we legalize it around the country? Why or why not?
Should prostitution be legalized? long as they were required to carry health cards and go in for periodic health screening.However, make the penalty very stiff for violators.Prostitution is the oldest profession any way.So we should clean it up a little.Because it is not going to go away.Men will always seek the company of prostitutes.At least they will be free of STD's The needle freaks will be put mostly out of business.This is the opinion from a conservative,by the way.
Reply:tough question...because it is going to happen whether legal or would have to think about the consequences ...... if prostitution was legalized we would have an increase in infidelity (if thats possible), our young girls would consider that as an easy way to make money....afterall is is legal! they would use that as an excuse and morality of prostition would no longer exsist. Also even if checked for a disease...eventually (because sex is the business) it will be transmitted from one of the clients to one prositute...and on and on........I don't like the idea but i wouldn't be surprised if it was legalized.
Reply:Well, it apparently works OK in Nevada, but that's a long drive.
Let me ask you something. What's the matter with one man and one woman making a lasting commitment to each other in marriage and honoring that commitment for a lifetime? Even some birds and animals do that much.
Reply:yes prostitution should be legalized, however i doubt this legalization a bit as it might create unknown issue which we might need to future
Reply:YES prostitution should be legalized for the very reason you stated. They would be cleaner and they would pay a lot of taxes because everyone knows SEX sales.
Reply:Hell yeah, then I wouldn't have to buy Vaseline!!!
Reply:I'd perfer if clinics opened to cure corrupt perverted minds. That'd be more efficient than simply allowing heathens legal right to exercise their own perversion. One involves themselves in that act to REPRODUCE. That's the logic behind the function of intercourse. If you're not in love with a person, creating a child will be harmful to their upbringing and thusforth to society. Balanced Well-adjusted children grow in environments with love and care, not because of a cheap thrill at a price. Think about it.
Reply:If the prostitutes are paid extra taxes for their job, then they would legalize it. It's all about how they can get money, they don't give a damn about what one of them could do to any given man's marriage, let alone immune system. It's all about the money.
Reply:uh first of all women shouldn't be prostitutes period.what the heck is wrong with you? and if you think too many men cheat on their wives now.image if they legalize hookers.there will a 98% divorce rate.
Reply:I live in Reno Nevada, It is legal here in some counties. I hear its a good living if you don't mind having mindless, meaningless sex with gross truckers and old fat guys
Reply:Why not? It's the oldest profession in the world and is going to happen anyway, so the ladies may as well be checked regularly for diseases and taxed - maybe it'll help knock down Bush's record budget deficit. And, its legal in the Netherlands as well. Call them and Nevada progressive and the rest of the US backwards.
Reply:I find it hard to believe that a country such as the US, claiming to be all modern and open minded, has not done that yet.
It is the oldest profession, and by legalizing it there is a chance to regulate it, such has regular check ups and paying taxes, it could also help get rid of pimps, who do nothing but collect and beat up their "girls".
Reply:it wouldn't matter it happens anyways
Reply:Legalized , inspected , taxed , medically certified , and price controlled .
If it's legalized a $100.00 or more a pop , we'll have a whole new crop of gals working on their backs ,3 days a week .
4 tricks a day x 3 x 100 , not a bad pay check .
Reply:absolutely, for the reasons you stated yourself, it has proven beneficial in LV in many ways, imagine the other positive impacts it may have on...say...crime reduction? Tax dollars spent on something other than these silly hooker and john round ups (and personnel).....
new year lily
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