
Are there any old hippies out there?

did you ever do blue morning glory seeds? What is it like? Can they be harmful?

Are there any old hippies out there?
WHAT??? Never heard of that in my day.

Probably not a good idea though, eh?
Reply:No. Hopefully they've all faded away like a bad dream.... Wait a minute.... I seem to notice people wearing old, rancid looking jeans like its cool. And then there's the I-don't-care-if-I-bathe look that I see when I'm forced to go to the mall. Have those darn hippies come back from the dead? Please tell me it isn't so. I'll have to Lysol everyone I come in contact with.
Reply:I remember when I was like you --all grey LOL

I cannot say that I have ever heard of morning glory seeds. I must still be just a bit too young
Reply:thats me tie dyes and all!!! I've eaten them once but I don't think I ate enough but they gave me a nice body buzzzzzzzzz!!!
Reply:poisnous in large quatity...
Reply:I was at Woodstock and did everything else, but not morning glory seeds. Too bad...I wonder if you can still get them anywhere. Its never too late. Peace, friend.

