
Does this sound like acid?

it wasn't actually lsd, is was lsa in morning glory seeds. i was walking and then my vision just got f*cked, it looked like everytime i took a step and vision would go from left to right, finally when i sat down, i looked in the mirror and my pupils were huge. i was talking to my friend and it just felt like everything was focusing on the the corner, it would just zoom in on the corner and when i just let my vision relax and looked at my friiend it was like a hundred things were happend at the same time. i seen rainbows around the lights, this is when i started to freak out about getting caught, i was worreid i was crazy, i was so paranoid. i through myself in the pillow and closed my eyes and i seen blue graphs i imagined everything in a video game. then i got up and it was hard to explain but it felt like my tounge was the room, and i felt i was in the corner looking in at the room. the music made my legs move like a guitar would. it lasted for about 2 or 3 hours.is this a acid trip?

Does this sound like acid?
Well, if you didn't take LSD then it was not an "acid" trip. It was definitely a hallucinogenic trip, like acid though.

